about the farm
we focus on the sustainable
well-being of our horses.
All our horses are Hanoverian we breed from excellent blood lines at the family farm Deckenhausen of Johannes von der Decken in Krummendeich, Germany. Training only begins at the age of four years. The initial training is under the responsibility of Reinhard Richenhagen in Cologne, Germany. He is a very experienced horseman, international dressage judge and expert for young horses. A true horse whisperer with diligence, patience, love and passion for our youngsters. After one to two years the horses fly to Alpharetta, Georgia and come to Hidden Pines. The further careful development follows the German training scale and the principals of classic dressage. We strongly believe in relaxed horses with a very fine connection.
We keep our horses for their whole lives and they really become true family members. Two of our horses lived happily on Hidden Pines until the age of late thirties.
Brigitte Richenhagen a student of Wolfgang Winkelhues was a trainer at famous Reitschule Burg Münchhausen, Germany. A successful dressage rider herself and owner of the “Silberne Reitabzeichen” Brigitte has a diploma in Physical Education from University of Bonn. She was an inventor, organizer and core team member of the “Bonner Dressurfestival”. She also coached her daughter Mechthild who was a member of various German national and regional dressage teams for ponies, juniors and young riders. She did win her first Prix St. Georg at the age of 15 years.
Brigitte’s vision is to make Hidden Pines a veritable horse paradise!

Our pond full of happy fish from bluegill to trout and bass. Fishing not allowed!
Hay for all farm animals and wildlife guests (See below!)
Our old barn built in 1764 with an original barn star
Our Hanoverian broad mare “Tendresse” resides near Warendorf in Germany
Chickens of Hidden Pines
Our happy Buff Orpington chicken lay more than 2,500 organic
eggs for friends and families - and sometimes for our friendly
Hidden Pines Bees
The bee hives are handmade on our farm and have a copper roof.
Bees in Action!
Organic raw honey from our bees!
martin’s career
During his active equestrian career, Martin Richenhagen was German Vice Champion of Student Riders and a member of the Official German team. As a successful dressage rider up to level S/St. George, he ranked LK 2 (performance level 2). He also performed as a FEI I-Judge from 1999 through 2018.
Since 1983, Martin carries the German trainer’s license Bereiter FN/Pferdewirt Schwerpunkt Reiten. For many years, he has been Chairman of the Student Riders Association of the Bonn University. As the founder of the ARC Bonn (Academic Riding Club Bonn), he was the President for almost 20 years and currently acts as the Honorary Chairman. He founded Foerderkreis Rheinischer Reitsport (FRR) an association sponsoring various events with a strong focus on dressage.
After holding several important positions within the German FN, he was the President of DAR for many years (Deutscher Akademischer Reiterverband), succeeding Volker Moritz. For his outstanding commitment he was rewarded in 1995 with several high-ranking orders like the Ehrennadel mit Lorbeerkranz and Deutsches Reiterkreuz in Silber. In 2008 he received the FN-Ehrenzeichen mit Lorbeer und Olympisched Ringen. In 2020 he received the Deutsches Reiterkreuz in Gold. https://www.eurodressage.com/2020/10/11/martin-richenhagen-honoured-german-riders-cross-gold
Additionally, Martin organized many large and significant international shows, such as, the famous Bonner Dressurfestival. He was manager and owner of a dressage training center in the area of the Rheinland for approximately 10 years.
He is a qualified national judge since 1978, a Grand Prix judge since 1991, and an FEI I-judge since 1999. He also became a FEI – Chef – Steward in 1994. He participated in seminars regularly: FEI Dressage Judges Course / Japan in 1999; FEI Seminar in Stuttgart in 2002 and 2007 and in Dortmund in 2004. For many years, he has judged the German Championships of Young Horses Bundeschampionate. He judged important shows like the Derby in Hamburg and the Euroclassic Bremen CDI; Oldenburg CDI; International Neighbours Meeting Berlin; International Young Riders Festival Hagen; Hagen CDI; Mannheim CDI; CHIO Aachen; Falsterbo; Wellington; Devon; Bonn; Paris; Dortmund; Muenster and the National Championships of Germany, Luxemburg, Mexico and North America. He is also an experienced clinician.
In 2006 he was invited by Klaus Balkenhol (retired US national coach) to judge a training Grand Prix of the US Olympic Dressage Team at his barn in Coesfeld/Germany.
Martin has been appointed to be the chef d’equipe of the German Dressage Team that competed at the 2008 Olympic Games in Hong Kong, China. The German Olympic Equestrian Committee (DOKR) decided upon this appointment during a meeting at the CDI Stuttgart in November 2007. The team did win the gold medal and individual silver and bronze. Martin owns several dressage horses up to Grand Prix level. As an author of articles on dressage and on the training of young horses, he is well-known amongst the equestrian and industry press. He is the editor of Reiter Revue International and Wienand’s Horses in Art.
Hidden Pines Farm is the private family horse farm of Martin & Brigitte Richenhagen, located in Alpharetta, Georgia. You can fill out the below form if you would like to get in touch with the farm: